analytic philosophy — n. a 20th cent. philosophic movement characterized by its method of analyzing concepts and statements in the light of common experience and ordinary language so as to eliminate confusions of thought and resolve many traditional philosophical… … Universalium
Analytic philosophy — (sometimes, analytical philosophy) is a generic term for a style of philosophy that came to dominate English speaking countries in the 20th century. In the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand the overwhelming… … Wikipedia
Form — may mean: *Form, the shape, appearance, or configuration, of an object *Form (furniture), a long seat or bench without a back *Form (education), a class, set or group of students *Form, a shallow depression or flattened nest of grass used by a… … Wikipedia
analytic psychology — n. the system of psychology developed by C. G. Jung as a variant of psychoanalysis * * * Psychoanalytic method of Carl Gustav Jung as he distinguished it from that of Sigmund Freud. Jung attached less importance than did Freud to the role of… … Universalium
Analytic-synthetic distinction — The analytic synthetic distinction is a conceptual distinction, used primarily in philosophy to distinguish propositions into two types: analytic propositions and synthetic propositions . Analytic propositions are those which are true simply by… … Wikipedia
analytic geometry — a branch of mathematics in which algebraic procedures are applied to geometry and position is represented analytically by coordinates. Also called coordinate geometry. [1820 30] * * * Investigation of geometric objects using coordinate systems.… … Universalium
Analytic geometry — Cartesian coordinates. Analytic geometry, or analytical geometry has two different meanings in mathematics. The modern and advanced meaning refers to the geometry of analytic varieties. This article focuses on the classical and elementary meaning … Wikipedia
Analytic — See also: Analysis Contents 1 Natural sciences 2 Philosophy 3 Social sciences … Wikipedia
Analytic Hierarchy Process — The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for helping people deal with complex decisions. Rather than prescribing a correct decision, the AHP helps people to determine one. Based on mathematics and human psychology, it was… … Wikipedia
Analytic Hierarchy Process — Der Analytic Hierarchy Process bzw. Analytische Hierarchieprozess (AHP) ist eine von dem Mathematiker Thomas L. Saaty entwickelte Methode, um Entscheidungsprozesse zu unterstützen. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Einleitung 2 Definition 3 Kontext … Deutsch Wikipedia
analytic/synthetic — A contrast originally introduced by Kant between types of proposition. An analytic proposition is one where the concept of the predicate is ‘contained in’ the concept of the subject. ‘All brothers are male’ is an example. A synthetic proposition… … Philosophy dictionary